New Biology Economy

New Biology Economy tracks news of the emerging molecular biology tools marketplace, which is building on foundational biotechnical advances to create new insights into complex biological systems. This blog begins with the understanding that traditional business methods must change to enable innovation to create wealth and eventually benefit patients. This will require cooperation, new ways of protecting intellectual property, and will spawn new types of business organizations.

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Friday, July 01, 2005

Reviewing the Month

  • Today, New Biology Economy closes out its first month of covering the emerging molecular-biology tools market. So far, it's been an amazing journey and one that we're grateful to be able to take.
  • Following are links to some of the news that, given the space of a month, we think are most notable:

    --We started off on June 2 with the news that the venerable Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins had made a $13 million Series A investment investment in Codon Devices, a startup created by George Church of Harvard, Drew Endy and Joseph Jacobson of MIT, and Jay Keasling of UC-Berkeley. This investment was interesting in that it was in an early-stage tools maker, and was not a California firm.

    Click here for article link:

    --On June 6, an old-line molecular biology tools maker, Applied Biosystems, announced a deal with the up-and-coming new kid, Invitrogen, to create and co-market a suite of reagents for proteomic analysis. This is clearly an example of the collaborative nature of the emerging molecular biology tools market.

    Click here for article link:

    --On June 10, we took a measure of the blog world when we applied for credentials for the annual Biotechnology Industry Organization meeting, and were denied. We learned that blogging is on these folks minds, but they are not ready to open their doors to bloggers, even folks like myself who are not just random bloggers, but professional journalists pioneering a new medium of communication.

    Click here for article link:

    --On June 13, we blogged a study by Deloitte that says that M&A is the key to growth in the biotechnology sector. Another study said Asia and Europe would be hotbeds for this activity.

    Click here for article link:

    --On June 17, we looked at two stories that talked about the molecular testing industry, which today is overwhelming conducted in hospitals. But, it is a growing field with Quest, LabCorp, LabOne and Speciality Laboratories very interested, and very vested in growing their share of the market.

    Click here for article link:

    --On June 24, GE announced a reorganization and new leadership for the conglomerate's Healthcare business unit. This business could be the 800-pound gorilla of the molecular biology tools business, based on the acquisition of Amersham in 2004, and other potential acquisitions to come.

    Click here for article link:

    We look forward to beginning our next month next Tuesday.

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